Practice Calligraphy with Me: Everlasting Monoline

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Follow along as I practice one of the free calligraphy practice sheets I released last month, as part of my Lettering Toolkit: Everlasting Monoline. This is a quiet, relaxed video. I invite you to follow along, and I hope the demonstration provides insight into stroke direction, pen angle, letter variations, and more!

While I’m practicing in Procreate on my iPad Pro, but you can just as easily following along using the printable version for ink-on-paper practice! (Check out my article on the best calligraphy practice papers.)


Video Demonstration


My subscribers have lifetime access to all the downloadable freebies in my toolkit: practice sheets, lettering guides, Procreate brushes, and more. I release a new freebie roughly every month, and add it to the growing collection! To get these Everlasting Monoline practice sheets, and any of the other free resources, simply head over to Molly’s Lettering Toolkit and subscribe.


Here’s a peek at what you will see in the demonstration video above (click to enlarge):


My premium Procreate brushes can help you learn even more lettering and illustration styles:


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